Design System
API Reference

API Reference

Renders a table element

import {
} from '@vtex/admin-ui'
const columns = createColumns([
    id: 'productName',
    header: 'Product name',
    id: 'inStock',
    header: 'In Stock',
function Example() {
  const { data, getBodyCell, getHeadCell, getTable } = useTableState({
    items: [...],
  return (
    <Table {...getTable()}>
        { => (
          <THeadCell {...getHeadCell(column)} />
        { => {
          return (
              onClick={() => {...}}
              { => {
                return <TBodyCell {...getBodyCell(column, item)} />


Utility function to create typesafe columns

  • Type: <T>(columns: Array<TableColumn<T>>) => Array<TableColumn<T>>

TableColumn type

 * Column type
 * Each column, represents a field within an item
 * @template T: Item
 * @template R: Resolver field
export type TableColumn<T, R = BaseResolvers<T>> =
  | {
      id: keyof T
      header?: ((column: TableColumn<T>) => ReactNode) | string
      accessor?: ((item: T) => ReactNode) | string
      resolver?: R
      width?: any
      compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number
      sortable?: boolean
      fixed?: boolean
  | {
      id: Exclude<string, keyof T>
      header?: ((column: TableColumn<T>) => ReactNode) | string
      accessor: ((item: T) => ReactNode) | string
      resolver?: R
      width?: any
      compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number
      sortable?: boolean
      fixed?: boolean
  | {
      id: Exclude<string, keyof T>
      header?: ((column: TableColumn<T>) => ReactNode) | string
      accessor?: ((item: T) => ReactNode) | string
      resolver: R
      width?: any
      compare?: (a: T, b: T) => number
      sortable?: boolean
      fixed?: boolean


Table state hook

  • Type: <T>(params: UseTableStateParams<T>) => UseTableStateReturn<T>

Hook params



DataView state

  • Type: 'ready' | 'loading' | 'not-found' | 'empty' | 'error'
  • default: 'ready'


  • Type: T[] | undefined
  • default: []


Expected items length

  • Type: number
  • default: 5


  • Type: UseTableSortParams<T> | undefined
  • default: {}
export interface SortState {
  order?: 'ASC' | 'DESC'
  by?: string | number | symbol
export type SortDirections =
  | ['ASC', 'DESC']
  | ['DESC', 'ASC']
  | ['ASC' | 'DESC']
export interface SortAction {
  type: 'ASC' | 'DESC'
  columnId?: string | number | symbol
export interface SortCallbackParams<T> {
  currentSortState: SortState
  dispatch: Dispatch<SortAction>
  columnId: keyof T
  directions: SortDirections
export interface UseTableSortParams<T> {
  initialValue?: Partial<SortState>
  directions?: SortDirections
  reducer?(state: SortState, action: SortAction): SortState
  callback?(params: SortCallbackParams<T>): void

Hook return


  • Type: T[]


  • Type: Array<TableColumn<T>>


  • Type: UseSortReturn
export interface UseSortReturn {
  order?: 'ASC' | 'DESC'
  by?: string | number | symbol
  sort(id: string | number | symbol): void


A function that returns all the necessary TBodyCell props.

  • Type: (column: TableColumn<T, BaseResolvers<T>>, item: T) => TableBodyCellProps<T>


A function that returns all the necessary THeadCell props.

  • Type: (column: TableColumn<T, BaseResolvers<T>>) => TableHeadCellProps<T>


A function that returns all the necessary Table props.

  • Type: () => TableProps<T>


DataView state

  • Type: 'ready' | 'loading' | 'not-found' | 'empty' | 'error'
  • default: 'ready'


Resolvers are rendering functions that target a specific data type. The main usage is to render the same data types consistently along with admin applications.

Render function

All resolvers accept a render function, that returns a component. It controls the data rendering, which may be treated by the resolver or not.

export type BaseResolver<T> = {
   * Resolver type name
  type: string
   * Render function
   * item: The item displayed for the row
   * data: Extracted column data from the item, you need to cast it before use
   * context: Relevant global information about the table's current state
  render: ({
    item: T,
    data: unknown,
    context: { loading: boolean },
  }) => ReactNode


This is the parent of all other resolvers. It does not treat the data at all - even the loading state is completely up to you. Use it if you want complete control over what's being rendered on the cell, and don't mind the complexity that it brings.

export type RootResolver<T> = {
  type: 'root'
  render: (props: ResolverRenderProps<null, T>) => ReactNode


The plain resolver is the default for all columns. It means that if you don't select a resolver, this is what you're rendering. It should be mainly used to render raw data like strings or numbers that don't need treatment.

export type PlainResolver<T> = {
  type: 'plain'
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<ReactNode, T>) => ReactNode


The text resolver should be mainly used to render a text and an optional description just below it. For descriptions that are too long, it is possible to truncate them by setting the overflow prop. This resolver must be used on the name column of the table.

export type TextResolver<T> = {
  type: 'text'
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<ReactNode, T>) => ReactNode
  columnType?: 'name' | 'text'
   * It specifies how overflowed text should be signaled to the user.
   * @default auto
  overflow?: 'ellipsis' | 'auto'
   * The map Function which returns the description to be rendered
  mapText: (item: T) => ReactNode
   * It enables to customize the description
  mapDescription?: (item: T) => ReactNode


The menu resolver should be used when you want to easily render a Menu component and a set of actions.

export type MenuResolver<T> = {
  type: 'menu'
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<JSX.Element, T>) => JSX.Element
   * A set of actions to be rendered as MenuItems
  actions: Array<MenuActions<T>>
export interface MenuActions<T> {
   * MenuItem label
  label: string
   * MenuItem onClick handler
  onClick: (item: T, event: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => void
   * MenuItem icon
  icon?: ReactNode
   * Whether the MenuItem is disabled or not
   * @default false
  disabled?: boolean
   * Whether the MenuItem is critical or not
   * @default false
  critical?: boolean


The currency resolver should be used when you want to easily render a currency text based on the admin locale.

export type CurrencyResolver<T> = {
  type: 'currency'
   * Currency locale
  locale: string
   * Currency type
   * @example 'USD'
  currency: string
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<string, T>) => ReactNode


The date resolver should be used when you want to easily render a date as a formatted string.

export type DateResolver<T> = {
  type: 'date'
   * Date locale
  locale: string
   * Date options
  options?: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<string, T>) => ReactNode
interface DateTimeFormatOptions {
  calendar?: string
  dayPeriod?: 'narrow' | 'short' | 'long'
  numberingSystem?: string
  dateStyle?: 'full' | 'long' | 'medium' | 'short'
  timeStyle?: 'full' | 'long' | 'medium' | 'short'
  hourCycle?: 'h11' | 'h12' | 'h23' | 'h24'


The image resolver should be used when you want to easily render an image element.

export type ImageResolver<T> = {
  type: 'image'
   * HTML img alt
  alt?: string
   * Preview options
   * @default {display:true,delay:0,size:'regular'}
  preview?: ImagePreview
   * optional render function
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<JSX.Element, T>) => ReactNode
type ImagePreview = {
   * if should display a preview or not
   * @default true
  display: boolean
   * Delay to show (in ms)
   * @default 0
  delay: number
   * Preview size
   * @default regular
  size: 'small' | 'regular' | 'large'


The bulk resolver should be used when you want to add a bulk action to the table. It is an easier way of using the BulkActions component within the Table. When using this resolver there are two things you should follow to work properly: wrap the Table component with the SelectionTree component and avoid adding more than 25 items per page.

export interface BulkResolver<T> {
  type: 'bulk'
   * The useBulkActions hook state return
  state: BulkActionsState<T>
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<ReactNode, T>) => ReactNode


The selection resolver should be used when it is necessary to have rows selectable and to have control over which rows are selected.

export interface SelectionResolver<T> {
  type: 'selection'
   * The map function which returns the id to be used by the checkbox
  mapId: (item: T) => string | number
  isSelected?: (item: T) => boolean
  onSelect?: (items: T[]) => void
  render?: (props: ResolverRenderProps<ReactNode, T>) => ReactNode


Table optional props

It also accepts all props of the table html element.



  • Type: 'ready' | 'loading' | 'not-found' | 'empty' | 'error'
  • Default: 'ready'

TableHead optional props

It accepts all props of the thead html element.

THeadCell optional props

It also accepts all props of TableCell<T> element.


The property returned by the useTableState hook.


  • Type: 'ASC' | 'DESC' | null
  • Default: null

TableBody optional props

It accepts all props of the tbody html element.

TableBodyRow optional props

It also accepts all props of the tr html element.


  • Type: boolean | undefined
  • default: false

TableBodyCell optional props

It also accepts all props of TableCell<T> element.


It represents the column item.

  • Type: T

TableCell optional props

It also accepts all props of td html element.


Whether the cell is clickable or not.

  • Type: boolean | undefined
  • default: false


Whether the cell is fixed or not.

  • Type: boolean | undefined
  • default: false


Table column object